Welcome to my website. Here, I plan on uploading a series of blogs and images about my graduate student research, field biology experiences, tropical biodiversity and conservation, graduate student life, tips on undergraduate research and graduate student funding opportunities, and other various topics which aim to inform, mentor, and motivate both nascent student scientists and established researchers as well as the general public.

So, what is a life history switch point exactly? For me, it’s the beginning of my graduate school research. I’ll discuss how I got to this point in another entry. For now, I welcome all of you to follow me on my academic journey and scientific adventures throughout Central America where I aim to better understand the evolution and mechanisms which underlie plastic traits in treefrogs.

HATCHING: A Treefrog Life History Switch Point Hatching is a critical life history switch point for most animals. Check out the video below to watch an awesome overview of some of my lab’s research.


tío ricky’s adventures